Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Andrew Hastie's Intel & Security Ctee inquiry into China's interference at Australian universities an opportunity to understand and dismantle China's interference & influence network financing

by Ganesh Sahathevan

The  Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security's proposed inquiry into foreign interference in universities is an opportunity to uncover the methods China employs to finance its foreign interference operations in Australia. 

As with the financing of terrorism, the methods employed are likely to be complex and layered; financing covert operations involves more than just handing over a suitcase full of cash. 

In addition to the financing provided by the Chinese Government, the Communist Party Of China, and its related entities, inquiries should also be directed to passive supporters of the interference (and influence) operations. 

The matter of Zhu Minshen's Top Education Group is instructive given the complexity of the financial arrangements:

TOP Education Institute's Bachelor of Laws : Political donations,HK Stock Exchange IPO seem to have left regulators confounded, speechless

The Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiry is chaired by Andrew Hastie, a former SAS captain. Hastie needs to understand financing as he would no doubt understand supply lines. 


Intelligence & Security Committee can finally determine why NSW LPAB granted Communist Party China linked Zhu Minshen the right to award law degrees: Understanding why the NSW LPAB made an exception can illumine Communist Party methods of infiltration, and extent of its influence in Australia : NSW LPAB Chairman Tom Bathurst & his officers must be called as witnesses

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