NSW's new Dept of Justice chief M.Coutts-Trotter likely to be denied entry into most South East Asian countries given his drug offences :Coutts-Trotter was jailed for three years. Dept Of Justice oversees the legal profession
by Ganesh Sahathevan
Most readers will be aware that in South East Asian countries like Malaysia possession of even small quantities of drugs is deemed to be evidence of drug trafficking ,punishable by death.
In Australia on the other hand, a drug conviction and even a jail term does not prevent a convict from heading the Department Of Justice which oversees if not administers the bodies that oversee the legal profession, police, courts, anti-corruption agency and other arms of the justice system.
The case of Michael Coutts-Trotter, who it is reported is likely to be appointed the new head of an enlarged Department of Justice is an interesting case in point.
First :
On their very first date, in 1991, Michael Coutts-Trotter told (ALP Deputy Leader Tanya) Plibersek that he had served almost three years of a nine-year prison sentence on a drugs charge. He'd done time in maximum-security jails like Long Bay, Bathurst and Parramatta ("A genuinely bleak place," he calls it) before ending up in Silverwater and work release.
After being paroled in 1988, he spent a year at a Salvation Army rehab facility. Three years after this, still on parole, attending Narcotics Anonymous and not drinking alcohol, he was opening his soul to the woman who would become his wife nine years later.
Mr Coutts-Trotter with his wife and Labor deputy leader Tanya Plibersek at the Mid Winter Ball at Parliament House in Canberra last year. Picture: AAPMichael Coutts-Trotter, Secretary of the Department of FACs, is expected to oversee a new mega cluster called ‘Safer Communities’ to merge the FACs and Justice departments.
And now:
It’s understood Michael Coutts-Trotter, who is married to Ms Plibersek and is the Secretary of the Department of FACs, will oversee a new mega cluster called “Safer Communities” which merges the FACs and Justice departments.
It follows the resignation of former NSW Department of Justice Secretary Andrew Cappie-Wood, who announced his retirement on the weekend after 40 years of public service.
(see story below)
It is unlikely that Coutts-Trotter will be allowed entry into most if not all South East Asian countries given his conviction. That is likely to hinder any sort of cooperation between Australia and countries in this region.
The husband of deputy federal Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek is one of several senior NSW public servants tipped to be promoted following a reshuffle of Gladys Berejiklian’s cabinet.
While the Premier’s new ministry has been announced, The Daily Telegraph can today reveal who’s really running the state with leadership changes in key departments including Planning, Justice and Family and Community Services.
It’s understood Michael Coutts-Trotter, who is married to Ms Plibersek and is the Secretary of the Department of FACs, will oversee a new mega cluster called “Safer Communities” which merges the FACs and Justice departments.
It follows the resignation of former NSW Department of Justice Secretary Andrew Cappie-Wood, who announced his retirement on the weekend after 40 years of public service.
Mr Coutts-Trotter currently earns $569,050 each year and is entitled to an extra 12 per cent “discretionary” bonus.
It’s believed he will not receive a substantial pay rise unless a new role is created by the NSW Public Service Commission.
It’s also understood Department of Environment and Planning Secretary Carolyn McNally will be dumped and replaced by Jim Betts, who will be elevated from his position as chief executive officer of Infrastructure NSW.
Department of Planning and Environment secretary Carolyn McNally will be dumped after reportedly falling out of favour with Ms Berejiklian.Infrastructure NSW chief Jim Betts will be promoted to Secretary, Department of Environment and Planning.
It’s understood Ms McNally sent a note to staff this afternoon informing them she would be stepping down from the position.
A Liberal source claimed Ms McNally, who is currently on a month’s leave, fell out of favour with Ms Berejiklian for taking too long to solve overdevelopment problems around Ryde.
Mr Betts currently earns $605,500 each year but is expected to be awarded a bigger paycheck when he reaches secretary status, which will see him move up a job band.
It’s believed Department of Industry Secretary Simon Draper will move sideways to replace Mr Betts in his role as CEO.
NSW Customer Service Commissioner Glenn King — previously the boss of Service NSW — is also tipped for a promotion.
He is expected to become head of the new “Customer Service Cluster”, where he will report to former Finance Minister Victor Dominello.
However, it’s understood he will be given a new gig which is expected to be announced shortly.
None of the senior government executives wanted to comment when contacted by The Telegraph.
Premier and Cabinet Secretary Tim Reardon, NSW Treasury Secretary Michael Pratt, Education Secretary Mark Scott, Health Secretary Elizabeth Koff and Transport for NSW Secretary Rodd Staples will remain in their respective positions.
The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal last year awarded senior public servants a 2.5 per cent wage increase.
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