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Showing posts sorted by date for query michael spence. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Sydney University VC Mark Scott may be powerless to act against pro-HAMAS supporters because of funding decisions by former VC Michael Spence, and failure of his General Counsel Richard Fisher to address the issue

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Sydney University VC Mark Scott may be powerless to act against pro-HAMAS supportersrs because of funding decisions made by former VC Michael Spence, and  the  failure of  his General Counsel Richard Fisher to address the issue. Fiher and Spence were sentt queries with regards the story below. Spence remained silent,and Fisher threatened to sue for defamation.

First posted by Ganesh Sahathevan on the Terror Finance Blog in 2010

The University of Sydney, Australia has refused to confirm or deny that funding has been received from the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)  and/or its associates  even while the  IIIT remains under investigation for financing terrorism.

Queries on the matter were put to the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Michael Spence ,consequent to the university’s  invitation and sponsorship of a lecture tour of Australia by IIIT director Anwar IbrahimThe sponsorship comes at a time when the university  cuts corners due to what it  say is a shortage of funding for day-to-day operations.

Anwar was invited to give a public lecture titled  "Islam, Democracy and the Status of Malaysia's Quasi-Secular State". The lecture was organised by the university’s Department of Government and International Relations.

Anwar and his fellow IIIT directors continue to invoke the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination in their declarations disclosed in the IIIT’s IRS 990 tax filings. The IIIT’s IRS 990s provide some evidence of a history of providing funding to bodies that have then either extended invitation to Anwar , or bestowed on him some award. The ongoing investigation has led to these filings containing less detailed information such that the ultimate beneficiaries may not be identified.

  The queries about IIIT  funding were also put to Michael Spence in his personal capacity. These queries have also been met with silence. In addition, Spence and the university  continue to maintain silence  about  the university’s   communications  with  Dr Adrian Ong Chee Beng, who has been convicted of fraud, and  has worked for Anwar and his principal adviser Dr Rahim Ghouse. Ghouse is  believed to have represented Anwar in his business dealings with  Sheik Yassin Al-Qadi,   the Al-Qaeda financier whose activities included the transmission  of funds to terrorist groups for  and/or on  behalf of Mohamad Al-Faisal.


One of the first high-profile visitors to the  university following Spence’s appointment as VC in 2008 was Turki al-Faisal, Mohamad Al-Faisal’s brother. As mentioned previously , there was no apparent reason for Turki’s visit (

Spence is no stranger to Saudi  funding. He  was formerly at Oxford University , where he was  Head of the Social Sciences Division, one of the four Divisions that make up the University. In  welcoming him to Sydney University , the University said:

One of Dr Spence's priorities at Oxford was actively to encourage fundraising and substantial sponsorship from benefactors and corporate groups (

These benefactors and corporate groups have included many from the Middle East. For example the controversial  Saïd Business School was under his purview . (

It was also  during his tenure that £20 million was received  from the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for the financing of the  Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, which is associated to the university.(

It appears that Spence has brought to Sydney his Saudi  connections. Via the MWL  and WAMY , both funded by the Faisal Foundation,  Anwar and the IIIT themselves owe much to the Saudi Government and Royal Family . As reported in Malaysian Business, September 1, 2005:

Then, sometime in mid-1970'S I (Tengku Razaleigh,former Finance Minister,Malaysia)   met Prince Mohammed Al-Faisal who was then running the Al­Faisal Foundation. He asked me if I had heard of a young man called Anwar Ibrahim. He wanted my view of Anwar, saying that the foundation would go ahead with helping him (Anwar) with his
activities if I said okay."

The Al-Faisal name seems to link Spence to Anwar, and the IIIT. Spence’s stint at Oxford may provide some clues as to what their objectives might be.

In 2005  Anthony Glees, the former  director of Brunel University's Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies identified Oxford as one of a number of UK universities that had accepted Saudi funding and whose scholarship then took on a pro-Arab stance.In regards to Oxford he said:

Saudi Arabian and Muslim organizations are funding cash-strapped British universities to the tune of more than $466 million….. over the past five years, 70 per cent of politics lectures at the Middle Eastern Centre at St Antony's College, Oxford, were "implacably hostile" to the West and Israel - an allegation denied by Oxford …

Glees sees the donations as a poisoned chalice: "Britain's universities will have to generate two national cultures: one non-Muslim and largely secular, the other Muslim. We will have two identities, two sets of allegiance and two legal and political systems. This must, by the government's own logic, hugely increase the risk of terrorism."(

The matter was also reported in the UK Telegraph:

Extremist ideas are being spread by Islamic study centres linked to British universities and backed by multi-million-pound donations from Saudi Arabia and Muslim organisations, a new report claims.

Eight universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, have accepted more than £233.5 million ($466 million) from Saudi and Muslim sources since 1995, with much of the money going to Islamic study centres, according to the report.

Universities that have accepted donations from Saudi royals and other Arab sources include Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, University College London, the London School of Economics, Exeter, Dundee and City. Prof Glees says Government policies "push the wrong sort of education by the wrong sort of people, funded by the wrong sorts of donor".

He added: "The Government must reconsider its far-reaching, security-driven plan to use higher education in the fight against the radicalisation of young British Muslims. If it proceeds, it will create the very situation the Government wants to avoid: the development of self-imposed Muslim apartheid in the UK."


 Sydney University  being  one of the oldest in Australia has significant  input into government departments that shape policy. I have previously written about Islamists influences at Sydney and other universities in an article that can be located at

Sydney University and Michael Spence’s  work with Anwar appears to be  the latest act in a long term strategy to buy influence , and ultimately government policy.

(Currently archived at Some links in the article above may not be active).

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Will Sydney Uni's Mark Scott reverse predecessor Michael Spence's decision to lower admission standards for Chinese students , a decision that was condemned by even the Chinese

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 


          Vice-Chancellor's first visit to China

As vice-chancellor University Of Sydney the Reverend Dr Michael Spence made a number of decisions that were not in the best inteests of the University  but the decision to lower standards in order to admit more students from China stands out for it was condemned by even the Chinese( see story below).

It is left to be seen whether the current VC, Mark Scott, reverses that folly.Meawhile, Scott remains silent about the recruitment of his policy lawyer, Louise Pritchard who in her previous job as Executive Officer, NSW LPAB, oversaw (with others EOs)  the Communist Party China linked Sydney City School Of Law scandal.

To Be Read With 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sydney University condemned by the Chinese: A case study of how to fail in business in Asia

In October 2011 the Vice-Chancellor , University of Sydney, The Rev Dr Michael Spence, announced that the University will accept for entry into the University grades achieved in China's National College Entrance Examination(or Gaokao in Pinyin).

On February 21 2012, the Chinese state owned English publication, China Daily, reported:
Compared with the admission cut-offs set by Chinese universities, the entry score set by theUniversity of Sydney is very low, according to the guide to academic entry requirements for Chinese students applying to undergraduate programs at the university in 2012.
The entry score is listed by China's municipality or province. In Shanghai, for instance, students with a minimum gaokao score of 468 can apply for the university, which is more than 100 points less than the score needed to enter China's top universities, such as Peking University orTsinghua University.

The publication is state owned and serves to disseminate the views of the Chinese leadership.

That the Daily has chosen to describe the University's cut-off mark as "very low", and then compared it unfavourably to Peking and Tsinghua universities should be of concern to Sydney University for the words convey a lack , if not a loss of regard for the University's standing.The reasons are unclear, but regardless of what the reasons might be, the University obviously does not enjoy the confidence of the Chinese leadership.
While their motives are not known, what is clear is that the above has followed the Reverend's decision to accept NCEE marks for admission. While he might have felt he was doing poor Chinese students and their families a favour, the Chinese reaction is that he has been motivated by money. As another state owned if not controlled publication , the Shenzhen Daily put it:
A growing number of Australian universities are preparing to lower the enrollment requirements for Chinese students in the hope of enrolling more high school graduates from the country.

This is an opinion shared by younger Chinese as well, who have made their opinions known on the website OffBeatChina
In that sense, the reaction of the Chinese leadership is easily understood as a simple taking of an advantage when the opportunity to do so is offered.The Reverend offered the opportunity by showing the University as being willing to lower standards to gain more fee paying students, the Chinese leadership took advantage of that opening to publicly demonstrate the superiority of Chinese institutions.
Any Asian would have seen that coming.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Sydney University can no longer evade questions about its special relationship with blacklisted Chinese universities

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

 "Currently applications are only acceptable from students applying from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology – Weihai, and Beijing Jiao Tong University for students enrolling into either the Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) or Bachelor of Engineering (Software)."

Sydney University Faculty of Engineering Credit Agreement Scholarship

This  June 2020 tweet from  China analyst Geoff Wade has  added significance given Alex Joske's revelation that the Communist Party Of China is using various conduits to fund its recruits in Australian universities, with the intention of acquiring Australian research and technology:

The University has also  hired one Louise Pritchard as a policy lawyer. Pritchard was the Executive Officer at the NSW Legal Profession Admission Board who oversaw the renewal of Zhu Minshen's license to issue law degrees in Australia. That privilege has previously been confined to Australia's universities. 


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Michael Spence's USYD offers scholarships exclusively to students from blacklisted Chinese universities : UYSD should be renamed Sydney Nanyang University

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Readers will recall Minister For Education Dan Tehan's "blunt instruments", and his Foreign Interference Taskforce.  The tweet below by Geoff Wade suggests that all is not well at the  Taskforce.

Meanwhile, this writer who is USYD alumnus, suggests that Michael Spence's University Of Sydney be renamed Sydney Nanyang University .

Australia: University of Sydney Faculty of Engineering restricts scholarship applicants to students of PRC's Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology-Weihai (both on US Entities List), & Beijing Jiao Tong University h/t

1:35 PM · Jun 21, 2020Twitter Web App


Monday, October 19, 2020

Sydney Uni VC Rev Dr Michael Spence "very disturbed " by police action against students, law professor, but silent about USYD communication with police prior to the incident

 by Ganesh Sahathevan 

Sydney University Vice Chancellor Rev Dr Michael Spence has issued a statement with regards an incident involving police, students, and Sydney Law School Professor Simon Rice.  A recording of the incident can viewed at the Honi Soit Twitter post link above.

The statement includes this paragraph:

We did not invite NSW Police on to campus today. NSW Police did contact us once ahead of the event, and twice during it. We confirmed we were aware activity was planned, based on social media. We provided no further information or judgement about the activities, and did not make any requests.

This account is at odds with a story published by Sydney Criminal Lawyers, based on emails between Sydney University and NSW Police obtained under a FOI application. The story can sighted at this link:

Sydney University Caught Colluding With NSW Police Over Protests: The SRC’s Jack Mansell Speaks Out

It details how Sydney University has provided NSW Police intelligence that seems to have informed the recent police action.


The University of Sydney issued a statement this afternoon, regarding the police response to recent protests on campus.

We are very disturbed by the footage we’ve seen of today’s events.

We encourage anyone who thinks that they were treated poorly by the police to lay a complaint. Support is also available for our community from our Counselling and Psychological Services for students and our Employee Assistance Provider for staff.

We have not heard back from NSW Police following our previous attempts to discuss their response to recent protests on campus. We will contact them again as a matter of urgency, and express our serious concerns. We will also reiterate our offer to discuss different approaches that might avoid similar situations occurring at future events.

We did not invite NSW Police on to campus today. NSW Police did contact us once ahead of the event, and twice during it. We confirmed we were aware activity was planned, based on social media. We provided no further information or judgement about the activities, and did not make any requests.

We have our own crowd management protocols to ensure a safe environment for all events including protests. NSW Police also make their own decisions and take actions they consider necessary in the interest of public safety, including under the Public Health Order.

We strongly defend freedom of speech and support the right of our students and staff to express their views in a legal, safe and respectful way. This year we’ve regularly engaged with our student representatives and staff unions, and encouraged them to develop COVID safe plans for events in line with NSW Health advice and to liaise directly with NSW Police.