Sunday, August 11, 2019

China only wanted taxi dancers, but Simon Birmingham seeks to be most favoured partner in what he thinks is a Chinese fan dance

by Ganesh Sahathevan

Trade minister Simon Birmingham said Andrew Hastie’s comments last week about China had not been helpful.

Trade minister Simon Birmingham said Andrew Hastie’s comments last week about China had not been helpful to trade talks. Photograph: David Mariuz/AAP

As previously reported, China will trade with anyone provided the price is right.

That however is not the view of the Australian Minister For Trade Simon Birmingham. Over the weekend he has warned his fellow MPs( and in particular Andrew Hastie) that they should be careful to not offend China by raising "sensitive issues".

Simple Simon thinks international trade and investment is a like a Chinese fan dance, where deals can be won on the strength of one's skill in seduction:

Simon cannot understand, as Andrew Hastie has articulated, that real trade can only be conducted between equals, by both parties fearful of what the other might do if the goods and services sought cannot be obtained for the price desired.

China understands this and seeks the best price for the cheapest goods, like one might select taxi dancers. Simon Birmingham (reflecting the prevailing Australian Government attitude of at least the past decade) instead offers over and beyond that, offering what the Chinese must think is a bonus beyond their dreams -a seller willing to kowtow and submit at the lowest price.

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